Information for Daycare Providers and Foster Parents

For more information please contact:

Becky Brown


Become a Licensed Family Child Care/Daycare Provider

Getting started guide

Licensing information and forms

Fingerprinting Locations

Child Care Aware

Child Care Aware Introduction

Child Care Aware Wayfinder


Current Licensed Family Child Care/Daycare Providers

Swift County Licensed Daycare Providers


Mandated Reporting 

Maltreatment of Minors Mandated Reporting


Minnesota Statutes and Rules

Statute 245A Human Services Licensing

Statute 245C Background Studies

Rule 9502 Licensing of Daycares


Family Child Care/Daycare Variance Information 

Variance Policy

Variance Request: Family Child Care (DHS-7297)

Family Child Care Weekly Attendance Schedule (DHS-7297A)

Variance Request Notice for Parents (DHS-7297B)

Daycare Variance Request Parent Questionaire

Daycare Monthly Attendance Form 


Family Child Care/Daycare Grant Program

Daycare Grant Program Description

Daycare Grant Program Application


Infectious Disease Information for Providers and Parents

Infectious Diseases

Grid of Communicable Diseases


Trainings for Foster Care

SUID/AHT Video Annual Training

Normalcy & Reasonable & Prudent Parenting Standard Training

Children's Mental Health Training 



Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder



Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Training




Foster Parent College

Foster Adopt Minnesota


Trainings for Licensed Family Child Care/Daycare

Daycare Training Site

Active Supervision: Preventing Child Injuries In Child Care Settings

Active Supervision: Risk Management For Family Child Care

Active Supervision: Safety Planning For Field Trips And Routine Outings

Active Supervision: Minnesota’s Diverse Communities

Active Supervision: A Developmental Perspective

Active Supervision: Strategies For Inclusive Child Care

Active Supervision: Supporting School Age Children

Active Supervision: Provider Self-Care And Privacy